
Fine leather handbag


Fashion, collections and models of fine leather handbag

The dream of every woman is to have in the wardrobe at least one model of high-quality leather bag, and if possible more than one ... The fashion houses, big brands, but also the small artisans know well this passion and for this offer entire collections with numerous models of leather bags that can respond to different tastes and needs.

Every woman, and perhaps even some man, has in his unconscious a special idea of high-quality leather handbag. Lineapelle is the international fair dedicated to leather where suppliers, manufacturers and wholesalers of the leather sector meet fashion houses, artists, designers and craftsmen who look for ideas and materials to produce their leather luxury handbag.

To find the best materials for accessories or to create your new leather luxury handbag or fine leather handbag visit Lineapelle, the leather fair that is held in Milan in March and September.

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